Blog Revamp

Blog Revamp

It’s been a while and I am reviving this blog (former akosibabae) with a new name “Greybear Arts”. I felt that my past contents were too messy and I will try my best to be organize and commit on sharing different contents in this blog.

I’ll be sharing still some of my personal compositions, stories, words, photos, and I am adding something new, arts. YES! I am and will be sharing some of my creations here! You can also follow me on Instagram @greybear_arts and Facebook to see them. *Update! You can now listen on my Podcast here: Anchor and Spotify thank you!

One art and Podcast at a time,


I want that.

I want that.

You know I was watching this really hit k-drama this year and I realized I want that kind of love, even if I might not be able to get it or find it. I want that kind of love where you want nothing but the best experience for that person no matter your differences. I want that kind of love that’s honest, no matter what you say or do for they don’t need to understand you, they just simply accept you. I want that, don’t we all long for that?



You know what’s scary? It’s the unknown, it’s the reality that you will never be sure what the heck you’re doing. The constant worrying of what will the future look like, ten or twenty year from now got you awake at night. Like you’re supposed to be doing something important to prepare for it. You should be saving more, looking for someone, and all the shit that life dictates you to do in order to make you feel that you have it all figured out. But in fact you’re just fucking scared and you have no idea at all what you’re doing. You’re looking for a breakthrough but you just couldn’t fucking find it.